went to check out Santiago's project yesterday, and see the progress. the house is going to be sick, and i will be hanging out there until they kick me out. But, more important.....
i love all of the re-barb flowers (a clever safety pro-caution so you do not impale yourself )
we stopped at the Sentinel Canyon information center in the lower Pecos (South western Texas) to see their 70's Diorama display. although it was a bit insensitive. i was truly amazed and in-love.
2 weeks of consistent sweat lodge heat. Glad to back in the desert!!!
pic's from the top - weddings in the woods, Ako's new ride, the camp i wish i went to,new form of table balance, and little Alex makes his mark in brooklyn
78 Beds 4 Chandeliers (installation reproductions of chandelier carrier and prop carriers)